Brera Expo Wine Tour 2015
Brera Expo Wine Tour 2015
Some shops’ windows (Mi art – Galleria Mondo Arte, Bar Jamaica, Il Cirmolo, A.G. Spalding & Bros, Brunelli, Robertaebasta, Calligaris, Pria, Olio Carli, Gioffrè, Hotel Milano Scala, Le Spighe alla Scala Bar)showed an innovative bottle holder and a fruit bowl, both made in polyurethane foam whose name is Polipack, the material used to produce mattresses. The project was the theme of the Packaging Design Master of the Polytechnic University of Milan.
Nowadays the quality of the fruit passes through the capacity of the package to maintain it intact during all the transportation phase, from the collection point to the end user. Polipack is an example of collaboration between industry and the research world, aimed to find new solutions to functionally use the polyurethane for the fruit packaging.