Paesaggi Sensoriali

Sensorial Landscapes

New comfort thanks to the flexible polyurethane foam


At the PwC Gallery in Milan, Pelma S.p.A. promotes the review Sensorial Landscapes – New comfort thanks to the flexible polyurethane foam.

The exhibition planned by Arch. Riccardo Giovanetti, that takes place inside the prestigious building designed by Renzo Piano, seat of Sole 24 Ore, is developed through an inedited photographic path that represents renowned art and design objects which belong to the culture of the Milanese project.

Throughout the photographs of Angelo Alghisi, a series of details underline the several ways to intend the connection between human and objects, in a creative game made of different postures, movements and interactions.

The black and white pictures are completed by a sequence of tridimensional volumes made of flexible polyurethane foam, that offer to the visitor a fascinating portrait of the expressive and functional potentialities of the material.